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Freinet in the Tandem

Célestin Freinet developed some pedagogic techniques to make the most out of the children's education, such as 'free text', 'Natural mathematics', 'Projects' and so much more. We incorporated these techniques in our daily routine.


Freinet techniques

The circle
The circle is a technique used to, as a teacher, know what is going on with the children. Each day the children tell what is on their minds, what they are feeling, what they are interested in, what they heard on the news, ...

Free texts
’Free text’ is a format where children get the chance to express themselves. They decide what they write about. In a playful way, the children become familiar with their language. Each text can be accompanied by a creative work: a drawing, a painting, a craft…

Free work-time

During free work-time, children can choose for themselves which activity they complete. In preschool, this means that some children will be making puzzles, others will be drawing while other children are reading. ​



As much as possible, the children get exposed to lifelike situations, useful activities and  experts who can teach us about subjects. ​


Natural mathematics
Mathematics is all around us. The book is a rectangle, we have 10 fingers, there are more boys than girls in our class group, every child eats 8 grapes, ... This provides an approach to work with mathematics in a natural way. 


Natural English

Also the English language is introduced in a lifelike way. We read a book, sing a song, ... 


Projects and investigations
The children learn the ‘educational content’ through projects and investigations. Once they have gathered the necessary information, they form answers and present their findings to their classmates and parents. The older the children are, the less guidance is needed from the teacher.


Various workshops are organized during the school year. During a workshop, all kinds of creative activities are provided from which the children can choose. We welcome parents who would like to organise an activity during the workshop. 


Community participation

Within our classroom (and school) we form a mini-society. This includes values, rules, responsibilities and democracy. Problems, but also ideas and compliments, are discussed in detail.


Other aspects



No teachers or masters, but coaches with a first name, who guide the children through their learning journey. We don't want to create an artificial distance and impose everything from above, but go on a search together with them.


Mixed age groups

We consciously opt for mixed age groups because it provides a lot of opportunities. Children learn from each other and help each other. The second year they are the oldest in the class, know the ins and outs of the classroom routine and gladly help their younger friends.



In a class group, with mixed age children, where children can choose their own activity, it’s important that children have a certain level of independence.

We start small and slowly build up the level of independence. All in preparation for their further school career and life.


Parental involvement

By informing the parents and including them with certain activities, we let the parents be a part of the learning journey of their child. Together we create the best possible learning environment.

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