The meaning behind the name.

child - coach
The child sits behind the steering wheel and decides the directions. He knows he can safely explore new territories. The coach guides, offers support and makes sure the child visits all the ‘stops’ (the necessary educational requirements).

child - child
Friendships make the journey all the more enjoyable. Along the way they have fun, observe and learn from each other. When a friend is in trouble, they rush to the rescue to help each other out.

child - coach - parent
A bike ride only runs smoothly when the parent and coach are attuned to each other. Together we pave the road and reach our destination point.

The ultimate goal is for the child to be able to drive on its own. The child learns to be and work independently, knows he can get up when he fell and discovers knew things by doing so. The coach, parents and friends are always close, when the child needs help or encouragement.